Dr David Stoeter


My name is Dr David Stoeter and I will be your Anaesthetist during your upcoming procedure for you or your child.  

Australia maintains a very high standard of both safety and quality in anaesthesia so please be reassured that you will be in one of the world’s safest medical environments while you have your procedure.

I originally trained in the UK and subsequently became nationally accredited in both the UK and Australia. I have additional specialist experience in Paediatric Anaesthesia and in Critical/Intensive Care and in what is known internationally as ‘Enhanced Recovery after Surgery’. Some of my paediatric practice has led to quality improvement work with the Society for Paediatric Anaesthesia in New Zealand and Australia. I also have particular expertise in the use of Ultrasound in Anaesthesia to facilitate the safe and precise administration of nerve blocks to provide pain relief, to help with difficult-to-get-to veins and in imaging the heart.

All of this serves to provide you with as safe a space as possible to have your procedure. One of my major goals is to tailor the anaesthetic to your specific needs. Please feel free raise questions at any point in the lead up to, or after your procedure- particularly around fasting, the anaesthetic itself or about pain relief.  To do this, just contact my rooms on 07 4426 9663.

If you are a parent of a child having a procedure, please check out a child-friendly video called ‘a little deep sleep’ here.

Showing this to your child in the lead up to the procedure may help them know what to expect on the day.
