Dr Alexander Kippin


My name is Dr Alex Kippin and I will be your Anaesthetist for your upcoming procedure. I am very much a North Queenslander, having grown up in Townsville, completing school and university here and marrying a Townsville girl. After medical school, I chose a somewhat longer path to Anaesthesia than most, initially spending time learning and working within Intensive Care Medicine and General Surgery before completing my rural General Practice training. My wife and I then lived in the Torres strait for 3 years within an incredibly rich cultural environment (and probably the best fishing in the world!). It was an exciting and challenging work life that provided me with an incredible wealth of clinical experiences. I was fortunate enough to practice in Emergency Medicine, Aeromedical retrieval medicine, Anaesthesia as well as experiencing a broad array of Tropical Medical, Surgical, Paediatric and Obstetric cases. My family then packed up and moved again in order for me to undertake my specialist Anaesthesia training, ultimately concluding with me undertaking a final fellowship training year focussing on Perioperative Medicine, Obstetric Anaesthesia and Regional Anaesthesia (Nerve blocks) in Brisbane before my wife and I decided to return to Townsville to raise our children here.

Approaching an operation can be quite daunting, but please be reassured that we really are fortunate in Australia. Australian anaesthetists have world-class training in anaesthesia, pain control, resuscitation, intensive care and managing medical emergencies. I believe that there is no safer place in the world to have an anaesthetic than in Australia. My number one priority is to keep you safe during your anaesthetic for your operation. Additionally, I aim for you to have a positive experience during your surgery journey including as little pain and discomfort as possible after the procedure. If you have any specific questions or concerns, please feel completely at ease to ask them of me as I strive to tailor my anaesthetic and perioperative care to your individual needs. 
